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How to clean a PS4 without breaking it

photo of Sony PS4 Original

A grimy PS4 can before long turn into a useless PS4. With residue and trash getting into the fan, your PlayStation will run clearly and become laggy.

We’re here to show you how to clean your PlayStation. This strategy is for the first PS4, however we have a few hints for the PS4 Pro and Slim, as well.

We’ll tell you the best way to clean the PS4 fans and the outside, as well as the regulators. Before long your PS4 will be looking pristine and ideally running a ton smoother.

When to Clean a PS4

You ought to clean your PS4 remotely consistently to keep soil and residue from developing on and inside your PlayStation. On the off chance that you don’t shield your PS4 from dust, it will end up being an issue.

Side effects of a residue issue incorporate a boisterous fan, overheating, and equipment disappointment. In the event that you’ve seen this occurrence with your control center, it very well may be the ideal opportunity for a more profound inward spotless so it works better.

Nonetheless, the terrible news is that cleaning the first PlayStation Four inside can void the guarantee. So possibly do this on the off chance that your guarantee is up and you’re good with the expected outcomes, similar to a wrecked PlayStation. To rehash our primary counsel, keep on top of residue control with the goal that you don’t wind up in this dilemma.

Instructions to Open PS4 to Clean Fan

Before you figure out how to clean PS4 fans, you really want to open up your PlayStation to get to the fans. We’ll show you how.

However, recall that following these means will void the guarantee since you’ve dismantled your gadget. So possibly do this assuming you’re good with that information.

To forestall any electrical mishaps, turn off the PlayStation, eliminate the links and store them somewhere else, so they don’t impede you.

 Unscrew the Back Cover

You should eliminate the three screws at the top back of the PS4. They may be covered by stickers which you can eliminate with a blade or a flathead screwdriver.

The most effective way to eliminate the screws without harm is with a T9 Torx security cycle screwdriver. In the event that you can’t get your hands on one of those screwdrivers, you can utilize a 2mm flathead screwdriver all things being equal. Yet, simply note that this will strip the screws.

Keep the screws in a protected spot and delicately eliminate the back cover by tenderly lifting it from the back, close to the power unit, first.

 Eliminate the Power Supply

You don’t need to do this, yet it’ll assist you with getting to the fan better so you can give a more careful clean. In any case, an additional step isn’t 100% fundamental.

Utilize your Philips screwdriver to eliminate the initial two screws — the ones that are closest the rear of the PS4 on the extreme left and right edge. Note that the metal triangles point inwards as the need might arise to return them to a similar position later.

Utilize your T9 Torx screwdriver to eliminate the three T9 screws from the back left, front center, and the back right.

Tenderly lift the power supply unit to eliminate it. It tends to be precarious, so watch out. Likewise, note that there’s an association link that you would rather not eliminate. Continuously lift the unit from right to left so you don’t disengage the link which is associated on the extreme left. Whenever you’ve lifted the power supply unit, delicately crease it over to one side and allow it to stay there while as yet being associated.

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