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Interview with Alberto Marino, the only administrator of DoYouCoach

Interview with Alberto Marino, the only administrator of DoYouCoach, the first Italian coaching online platform.

DoYouCoach  it’s an Italian platform that is accessible also from mobile, that connects individuals and companies with the best professional coaches.

DoYouCoach services

The online coaching platform allows: 

In addition, mainly for companies, it offers:

How does DoYouCoach work? 

DoYouCoach works in a very simple way. Once you have chosen the coach that suits you, just book A session or a route according to the availability of the coach; register with email and password; pay online in total security and finally, make the session by videoconference by clicking on the link you receive. It is also possible to assess the session carried out.

Hi Alberto it’s a great pleasure to meet you and thank you for the time you are dedicating to us. Let’s get straight to the point, How and when was the idea born? 

The idea of DoYouCoach was born at the beginning of 2017, when with another friend and colleague, also a certified coach like me, we felt that the power of coaching could and should be more widespread and therefore conveyed, without losing effectiveness, using the web, From that moment on we designed the first version of the platform, collecting ideas and stimuli from other colleagues, in order to allow us to give life to a usable and safe product.

How many months / years of study and design did it take to realize your project?

The first release of the site saw the light after about six months of ” incubation” and an intense work of analysis and definition of the specifications not only related to the resolution of problems related to the web, but also to take into account the characteristics of a service, such as that of coaching for individuals and companies, which must be subject to precise ethical and procedural standards, which in our case are those dictated by the most important and recognized international coaching associations.

By what criteria do you select your coaches?

As already mentioned before, to become part of our platform coaches must be in possession of professional credentials and/or accreditations that certify their level of training and coaching expertise Following an initial investigation, which examines the diplomas, credentials and CV of the coach, a direct interview follows aimed at verifying the adequacy of his profile and his motivation to get on board.

What are the advantages, both for individuals and companies, of using an online coaching platform? 

The advantages, were already many before the pandemic scenario in which we are today operating, are mainly linked to the recovery of efficiency deriving from zero costs and travel times, and to the possibility to choose the one that best suits your needs and objectives from a large panel of professionals.

In addition to this, for companies we propose a Corporate protocol – all online – that makes it possible to actively involve the heads and HR management to define and customize the coaching path of the recipients. In addition, we make available an online environment to monitor the progress of all existing coaching activities and at the end of the project we deliver to the company an assessment of the effectiveness of coaching through an ROI Index based on a proprietary algorithm.

How is the market responding? 

Companies that have understood the value of our offer are increasingly buying routes, perhaps starting with small pilot projects. Almost all of them, however, reinvest with continuity.

As for private individuals, however, the Italian market is still behind the Anglo-Saxon world, but we are beginning to observe a steady increase in requests since the end of last summer. Perhaps it is no stranger to this trend the resonance enjoyed by the figure of the coach in contributing to the successes achieved by Italian athletes at the Tokyo Olympics.

How did you launch your project?

Before the launch we used the crowdfunding tool to fund the development of the platform and test the service. Subsequently, with continuity, the communication campaigns were oriented to the world of social media, especially Linkedin.

How do you become a coach partner?

Coaches can propose their application directly from a link on the homepage, after which the process we have described above starts.


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