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The’importance of cyber security in online games

Cybersecurity is a central theme on the Web today. Nowadays, any daily activity has become the preserve of the Web, which provides us with numerous insights and life solutions, but also hides just as many pitfalls. One of these is related to the security of our personal and banking data.

More and more often we hear about breaches of sensitive data perpetrated against unsuspecting people, by malicious parties or even by Web giants.

When we talk about online games it is of paramount importance, to protect ourselves properly, as the gaming industry is a prime target for cyber criminals because of the vast volume of personal and financial data involved. The growing popularity of online games or entertainment sites, as in the case of portals like this one and similar sites that receive users through web browsers, has made these platforms vulnerable to a wide range of threats, from bank fraud, to unauthorized access, to identity theft, putting both players and developers at risk.

But what does cybersecurity consist of? And how do we combat cybercrime? Let’s find out together.

Protection of Personal and Financial Data.

Among the first recommendations, we find that of properly protecting one’s financial data when conducting online transactions, such as on e-commerce and various sites.

Financial transactions, including in-app purchases (transactions made within an app) and subscriptions, involve sensitive data such as credit card numbers, which can be intercepted by cyber criminals.

Therefore, the need for protection goes through both the developers and companies that deliver a service and those who use it.

To protect your financial data always use effective anti-virus protections for both your smartphone and your pc (preferably paid ones since they have extra upgrades).

Then always shop only on sites that you deem safe. Such sites must necessarily have provided for the use of an encrypted system for the transfer of bank data during payment and must therefore use a secure web protocol (https). You can verify this setting simply from the url of the site itself when you browse.

You can also take direct action by protecting your online account through Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). This is an ‘implementation to add an extra layer of security to users’ accounts by simply requiring dual identity verification on two different devices.

There are many online providers that allow this type of verification, foremost among them the giant Google, which requires this dual verification, even for simple mail account access. Not only that: even online game portals now make this service available for in-app purchases, thus increasing the level of security for players.

Especially in metaverse-style games, such as the iconic Fortnite, a successful example, it is possible to enable this type of authentication, since in-app purchases are a widespread practice precisely for gaming purposes.

Again, on online gaming portals it is good to be careful about virtual currency theft: virtual currencies used in games can be a target for cyber criminals, who try to steal them for resale.

Again, it is a good idea to activate the proper protections with strong authentication and avoid leaving your digital wallet “too full.” It could become the target of watchful eyes.

Privacy and protection of player data

Another aspect that relates to cyber security is that of privacy. Protecting one’s identity online is crucial to avoid scams of all sorts, some of which can even put one’s bank accounts at risk.

Not only that, cyber criminals take over the identity of unsuspecting users, for false claims or contracting. The best places to steal information are social media and online gaming portals.

Some among the basic measures for one’s account protection, include keeping a low profile, with little information, especially on online gaming portals where we do not know who we are “in front of” and avoiding divulging our sensitive data for example of chats or in public conversations on virtual plazas.

So always use a secure nickname and password and try not to associate your social profiles with your personal gaming profile.

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