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Why do I need a Microsoft account to sign into Skype?


For some time now, Microsoft has unified all of its products, i.e. with a single access account; you can use any of them. From the moment you entered a new computer and asked you to create an account or maybe you already had it at the time, because with your Outlook or Hotmail user account, they serve as Microsoft accounts and you can use them to access any company service.

A Microsoft account for Skype

With your email account, you’ll be able to log into your message inbox seamlessly and quickly, but the scope of your Microsoft account goes far beyond a simple email account. This account is designed to unify all or almost all Microsoft services into a single account, as does Google for example when accessing its services from an Android Smartphone. When you access your Microsoft account, you get storage space in One Drive, Outlook mail, One Note, Calendar among other services that sync with your access account.

The Skype app, comes in two presentations, one desktop and one in web version, both require you to have a Microsoft account. This is necessary because this platform is within the Microsoft app suite and all of them are unified. Which means that with the account you access One Drive, for example, you’ll be able to access Skype.

If you have Microsoft mail you have an account within the services of this company, and therefore you can use any service. If you don’t have it, then you have to register.

Advantages of having a Microsoft account

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