Apple Vision Pro: more realistic Persona avatars with the’latest update

Apple Vision Pro: more realistic Persona avatars with the’latest update

By auroraoddi

Apple is always at the forefront of technological innovation, and its latest product, Apple Vision Pro, is no exception. This virtual and augmented reality viewer offers an immersive and realistic experience through a feature called “Persona.” In this article we will explore the latest news regarding the improved appearance of Apple Vision Pro’s ‘Persona’ avatars.

Details of the update

Apple has released thevisionOS 1.1 update for its Vision Pro visor, which has brought significant improvements to the ‘Persona’ avatars. According to a report by MacRumors, ‘Persona‘ avatars now appear more realistic and less blurry than in the previous version.

To get the latest appearance updates, users will have to recapture their ‘Persona‘ after installing the update. This process is done partly without the viewer by pointing the camera at the user’s face. Most users find that the improved ‘Persona’ avatars are visually sharper and more realistic, with improved proportions.

What are ‘Persona’s?

Persona‘ are digital representations of users created using data from the viewer’s sensors and a new machine learning algorithm. They are designed to be an “authentic spatial representation” of a person, showing their facial expressions and hand movements. This allows users to participate in group calls without looking awkward in a mask.

If for some reason you want to use a digital mask during group calls, a similar feature called EyeSight is available, which shows other users a digital version of the user’s eyes when wearing the Vision Pro. It is important to note that Apple still considers ‘Persona’ a beta feature and provides detailed instructions for best results.

Further future improvements

Although ‘Persona’ avatars have been greatly improved with the visionOS 1.1 update, Apple said it will continue to work on making further improvements in the future. The company has a long history of innovating and improving its technologies, so it is likely that ‘Persona’ avatars will become more realistic and immersive over time.

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