Artificial Intelligence

In this category you will find all the most interesting and curious news on Artificial Intelligence. Practical guides on how to approach the subject

OpenAI CEO Anticipates an AI Future Beyond GPT-4

OpenAI CEO Anticipates an AI Future Beyond GPT-4

Artificial Intelligence


By auroraoddi November 9, 2023 2m 34s

OpenAI, renowned for creating the ChatGPT chatbot, held its highly anticipated first Developer Day a year after the public launch…

The Five Best Books to Get Smart About AI

The Five Best Books to Get Smart About AI

Artificial Intelligence

By Luca Fanicchia September 19, 2023 8m 52s

Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands at the forefront of technological innovation. From smart home devices that cater to our daily…

ChatGPT for Android is Now Available

ChatGPT for Android is Now Available

Artificial Intelligence

By Luca Fanicchia August 24, 2023 7m 38s

In the ever-evolving world of technology, the way we communicate and interact with our devices is constantly changing. With the…