Google Shopping: AI Wants Physical Fitting Rooms to End

Google Shopping: AI Wants Physical Fitting Rooms to End

By auroraoddi

Google Shopping has launched an exciting and useful feature in its service. With the aim of facilitating the shopping experience for both consumers and sellers. It is an innovative virtual fitting room that eliminates the need to go through traditional physical dressing rooms when trying on clothes before buying them.

Virtual Fitting Rooms

This revolutionary tool from Google uses a photograph of the garment you want to “try on“. It also uses advanced technology to predict how it will fit on different real models appearing in various poses. These models represent both men and women with different body types. Allowing users to get a realistic visual reference of how that particular garment would look on them.

With this virtual fitting room feature, Google aims to provide a more convenient and accurate shopping experience. Helping shoppers make informed decisions without the need to visit a physical store. Now you can explore and experiment with different styles and sizes from the comfort of your home. Saving time and providing greater confidence when shopping online.

This innovative tool from Google once again demonstrates its commitment to improving the user experience by incorporating advanced technology to make the shopping process more accessible, personalized and satisfying. Discover how Google Shopping’s virtual fitting room can transform your online shopping experience and enable you to make better fashion decisions!

Following a Study

An internal study conducted by Ipsos, in which more than 1,600 people participated, revealed that catalog photos are not very effective for online shoppers. According to the findings of this study, 42% of shoppers do not feel represented by the images of the models. While 59% expressed dissatisfaction when they discovered that the clothes they bought online did not fit them as they expected.

In order to address these issues and avoid disappointment, Google has introduced the virtual fitting room on its platform, giving users the opportunity to virtually try on garments before purchasing them. This innovative feature seeks to provide a more accurate and satisfying shopping experience. Allowing shoppers to get a better idea of how clothes will fit before making their purchase.

By providing a solution to the challenges posed by static images in online catalogs, Google is striving to improve the shopping experience and increase consumer confidence when making online fashion purchases.

Driven by an AI

Google has implemented a new feature in its Google Shopping service to address a persistent problem: the virtual tester. Using an internally developed diffusion model, Google has created a technology that reduces the noise of an initial image. Which consists entirely of noise, and gradually transforms it into a target image.

To train this AI model, numerous pairs of images were used in which a person wore a garment and struck different poses. Over time, the model became more robust by using random pairs of garments and people.

This new feature is now available to Google Shopping users in the United States, allowing them to virtually try on clothes from popular brands such as Anthropologie, Everlane, H&M and Loft. The idea of a virtual fitting room is not new and has been explored by several companies in the past.

Its implementation has been limited in terms of reach and success. However, with the advancement of generative artificial intelligence, it remains to be seen whether this new era can finally offer a satisfactory solution to this age-old problem.

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