Hey Google, Here to Make Your Day Easier

Hey Google, Here to Make Your Day Easier

By Luca Fanicchia

Are you tired of having to manually log into Google every time you need to do a search? Would you like to be able to use the search bar as easily as asking for a coffee? Here comes Hey Google. With this new setting, you’ll be able to ask for help from Google Assistant at any time and whatever you’re doing. Just say “Hey Google” for Android and “Ok Google” for iPhone and make your request.

Why install Hey Google

If you are busy, using Google Assistant can become problematic. With Hey Google you have all the functions of Assistant available without the need to intervene manually, in an easy and immediate way. It doesn’t matter if you’re listening to a song or scrolling through a site, just say the activation word and Assistant will be ready to answer all your questions.

How to activate Hey Google

On Android

  • To activate Hey Google on Android, press on the Google application and open your profile
  • Select “Settings”
  • Inside Settings, press Voice
  • Go to Voice Match
  • You will come to “Hey Google & Voice Match.” Go to “This Phone” and turn on the “Hey Google” option.

Hey Google is now active. From now on, it doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doing, Google Assistant and all its functions are just a simple call away.

A separate note must be said for Androids that have the 5.0 operating system version. or higher. In this version, you have an option that allows you to talk to Google Assistant even when your phone is locked.

On iPhones

The voice activation command for iPhone is a little different. Instead of “Hey Google,” you’ll have “OK Google.”

  • Go to the Google application. Click on your profile icon at the top left.
  • Go to “Settings” and open “Voice Search”
  • Inside “Voice Search”, turn on the “OK Google Hotword” option. Then press “Done.”
  • Ok Google is now active

How to activate Hey Google from Assistant

An alternative method to activate Hey Google on your tablet or Android is to go directly from the Assistant settings. Here’s how:

  • Open the Google Assistant application
  • If Google Assistant is turned off, you’ll get the option to turn it on. Press “Activate.”
  • Once the application is open, ask for “Assistant settings”
  • Go to “Common Settings” and hit Hey Google & Voice Match
  • Turn on Hey Google

Set Hey Google to your voice

For optimal and efficient use, Hey Google gives you the possibility to set the application to recognize your voice. This will allow you to receive responses to your commands as quickly and easily as possible.

To set Hey Google to your voice, follow these steps:

  • Go to Hey Google & Voice Match
  • Turn on Hey Google
  • Follow the prompts to set up Voice Match so Hey Google can recognize your voice

If you need to re-record your voice, follow these steps:

  • Go to Hey Google & Voice Match
  • Make sure Hey Google is turned on
  • Click on Voice Model and then Record Voice Model
  • Follow the prompts to record your voice

All done

Now that Hey Google is on, you’ll be able to access all of Google Assistant’s features much faster. The application allows you to ask for directions, communicate with your friends, set alarms and reminders, get your questions answered, do research, look for movies and much more.

If you no longer need Hey Google, turning it off is super easy. Just go back to Hey Google & Voice Match and turn off the Hey Google option.

How does Assistant understand your questions? Learn it here.

How to use Hey Google

Using Hey Google is quick and easy. Even if you’re using other applications, just say your passphrase and make your request to access all of Assistant’s features. The activation phrase changes from Android and tablet to iPhone and iPad, with “Hey Google” and “Ok Google” respectively.

To avoid errors, remember to activate Hey Google on all your devices if you have more than one. Check that Assistant is updated to the latest version.

Note that when you set up your Voice Match, Google Assistant keeps recordings of your voice used for recognition. If for any reason you want to delete this data, you can do it in your Google account

  • go to from your Android or Tablet
  • Select Erase All Recordings and press Erase

Customize settings for Hey Google

Among other things, you can change the tone of voice and the language used by Google Assistant when responding to your requests, set a voice suitable for children or disable speech output.

Choose a voice for Android

  • For Android, activate Assistant by saying “Hey Google, open Assistant settings”
  • Go to “all settings” and click on Assistant voice
  • Choose a voice

Choose a voice for iPhone

iPhone follows a slightly different process. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Open the application of Google Assistant
  • At the top right, press on Profile picture and then on Assistant voice

Change the language of the Google Assistant voice

Google Assistant will speak to you in the language you selected in the settings. You can change or add a language for the Assistant voice by entering the settings section.

For Android

  • Open the Google Assistant application
  • At the bottom right, click on More and then on Settings. Tap on Voice and then on Language
  • Choose the language

The exact process can be used to change the Google Assistant language on speakers and Smart Displays.

For iPhones

  • Open the Google Assistant application
  • At the top right, press on the profile icon, then on Assistant
  • Click on Languages
  • Choose the language

The exact process can be used to change the Google Assistant language on speakers and Smart Displays.

Assistant can be installed on your PC too. Learn how.

Turn off voice output Hey Google

Sometimes it happens that you don’t need or don’t want to hear the answers spoken by Assistant. It doesn’t help that Google Assistant can’t calibrate the sound of its responses appropriately for all situations. When this happens, you can deactivate the speech output so that the application presents its answers to you on the display, but without speaking them.

  • Activate Google Assistant by saying “Hey Google, open Assistant settings”
  • On “All settings”, press on Assistant voice
  • Under “Local Output,” select your device
  • Tap on Hands-free mode

This process is valid for most devices that support Google Assistant.

Choose a child-friendly voice for Assistant

Google Assistant can be useful for all kinds of situations, but that doesn’t mean that the vocabulary it uses can always be suitable for children’s ears. To prevent your child from hearing incorrect words, you can set Assistant to kid-friendly mode. The application will use terms and a tone of voice appropriate to a younger audience.

Remember that to set this mode you will need a device that supports Assistant and has a Google account for children.

For Android and iPhones

  • Make your child say to Assistant, “Hey Google, change your voice”
  • Listen to various voice samples
  • Choose the voice you like
  • Press OK

Adjust the sensitivity of Hey Google

It can sometimes happen that Google Assistant activates without you saying the activation phrase “Hey Google” or “Ok Google”. In this case, it means that the application has picked up a sound that resembles the phrase or you have manually activated it by mistake. If this annoys you and you want to avoid unwanted activations, you can lower the sensitivity of Hey Google to capture commands.

Remember that this option is available for most Speakers, but only in some languages.

  • Open the Google application
  • At the bottom, click on Home
  • Press and hold on your speaker
  • At the top right, click on Settings Device. Press on Audio and then go to Sensitivity “Hey Google”
  • Adjust the sensitivity to the level you prefer

Sign in to Google Assistant on headphones

If you don’t want to give up your headphones while using Assistant, you’ll be pleased to know that on Android and Tablets you can communicate with the application directly via the device. Simply train Assistant to recognize your voice and you can use Voice Match to communicate with Assistant through your headset. And you can use it even if the option is turned off on your phone.

  • Activate Voice Match
  • On your android, you need to tell Google Assistant “Hey Google, open Assistant settings
  • Press on devices. Click on your headphones
  • Turn on Hey Google

How to turn off your Google Assistant quick and easy

Teach Google Assistant to recognize your voice

  • On your Android, you need to tell Google Assistant “Hey Google, open Assistant settings
  • Press on devices. Click on your headphones
  • Turn on Hey Google
  • Follow the prompts to teach Assistant to recognize your voice


Google Assistant is an incredibly useful application in making our daily life easier. You can use this virtual assistant to find answers to your questions, search for movies, chat with your friends, set reminders, alarms and more. If you want, you can also just use it to enjoy entertaining content on the internet.

And if you want to make its use even faster and more immediate, all you have to do is set Hey Google. With Hey Google, using all the features of Assistant becomes as easy as talking to a friend. You can ask what the weather will be like, set an alarm or send a message, all through a simple voice input that can be activated by saying “Hey Google” or “Ok Google”. Simple as that.

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