Microsoft Edge keeps deleting saved passwords

Microsoft Edge keeps deleting saved passwords

By IsraeliPanda

Microsoft Edge is one of the most mind-blowing internet browsers for Windows clients. It accompanies a few exceptional highlights that you won’t track down in other internet browsers, similar to Math Solver, Vertical Tabs, and so on. In the event that you are a Microsoft Edge client, you presumably realize that Edge allows you to save passwords for your #1 sites very much like other internet browsers. For certain clients, this component isn’t functioning true to form. As indicated by them, Edge continues to erase saved passwords. Each time they close Edge, their saved passwords get erased consequently. On the off chance that you are likewise encountering similar issue in Edge, the arrangements gave in this article might help you.

Assuming that the Edge program continues erasing your saved passwords, the accompanying fixes might assist you with disposing of this issue.

  • Update Microsoft Edge
  • Check the Clear perusing information setting
  • Reset Microsoft Edge settings to default
  • Uninstall and reinstall Edge

Ensure that you are utilizing the most recent rendition of Microsoft Edge. Programming designers discharge programming refreshes that contain new highlights and fixes to the bugs detailed by clients. On the off chance that the issue is happening because of a minor bug, refreshing Microsoft Edge will fix it. To check for refreshes in Microsoft Edge, follow the means beneath:

  • Open Microsoft Edge.
  • Click on the three specks on the upper right side
  • Select Settings
  • Or on the other hand you can open the edge://settings URL in another tab.
  • Select About Microsoft Edge from the left sheet.

From that point onward, Edge will begin checking for refreshes consequently. Assuming any update is accessible, Edge will introduce it without help from anyone else. Subsequent to refreshing Edge, restart it and check assuming the issue continues.

Check the Clear perusing information setting

In Microsoft Edge, you can choose what to clear every time you close Edge. Check assuming that you have changed the Clear perusing information setting in Edge unintentionally. The moves toward do that are as per the following:

  • Open Microsoft Edge.
  • Click on the three specks on the upper right side and select Settings.
  • Select Privacy, search, and administrations from the left sheet.
  • Look down until you find the Clear perusing information segment.
  • Click on the Choose what to clear every time you close the program choice.
  • Check whether the Passwords choice is turned on. In the event that indeed, switch it off and restart Edge.

Reset Microsoft Edge settings to default

In the event that Edge doesn’t function true to form or on the other hand assuming you begin encountering specific issues in Edge, resetting its Settings to default can fix the issue. In the wake of playing out this activity, your startup page, new tab page, web search tool, and stuck tabs will be reset. It will likewise erase your brief information like store and treats yet your bookmarks won’t be erased.

In the wake of resetting the Edge settings to default, the issue ought to sort out.

Uninstall and reinstall Edge

Assuming that Edge is as yet erasing your saved passwords naturally, uninstall it from your Windows gadget and afterward introduce it once more. If the choice to uninstall Edge has turned gray out in Windows 11/10 Settings, you can uninstall Edge by executing the accompanying orders in a raised order brief.

Type the above orders individually and press Enter subsequent to composing each order. Do take note of that, you need to supplant the Version Number with the rendition of Microsoft Edge introduced on your PC. To see the variant number of Edge, open Edge settings and select About Microsoft Edge from the left side. You will see the form number of Edge there.

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