WhatsApp on Windows 11: here’s Sticker Maker and new audio/video controls

WhatsApp on Windows 11: here’s Sticker Maker and new audio/video controls

By auroraoddi

WhatsApp, the popular instant messaging platform, is constantly updating its desktop version for Windows 11. Thanks to a recent partnership between Meta and Microsoft, users of WhatsApp for Windows 11 can now enjoy new features, such as enhanced control over audio and the camera, as well as the addition of Sticker Maker to create custom stickers directly from the platform.

More control over audio and camera in WhatsApp for Windows 11

In the latest version of WhatsApp for Windows 11, you can more precisely manage the audio and camera used during calls and video calls. By default, WhatsApp uses the operating system’s default audio and camera devices. However, sometimes you may want to use different audio devices, such as wireless headphones or external speakers, or a specific camera to improve the quality of your video calls.

To meet this need, Facebook, the company that owns WhatsApp, has introduced a new option called “Voice & Video” in the app’s settings. This option allows you to manually specify your preferred audio output device and desired camera. For example, if you want to use your wireless headset for audio and an external webcam for the camera during video calls on WhatsApp, you can simply select them from the settings.

This new advanced control allows you to customize the WhatsApp user experience to your specific preferences and needs. You can play audio through a device other than the system default and use an external camera to get better video quality during video chats.

Sticker Maker: create custom stickers on WhatsApp for Windows 11

In addition to better control over audio and the camera, WhatsApp for Windows 11 also introduced the Sticker Maker feature directly in the desktop app. Stickers are a fun way to express emotions and personalized messages during chats. Until now, adding custom stickers was only possible via the phone or using other third-party apps.

With the latest version of WhatsApp for Windows 11, you can now create your own custom stickers directly from the desktop app. To create custom stickers, simply open the stickers section on WhatsApp, click on the “+” icon, and select the image in .jpg or .png format from your computer via the Windows Explorer.

This new feature greatly simplifies the process of creating custom stickers on WhatsApp for Windows 11. You no longer need to use your phone or other external apps to add custom stickers to your chat experience. Simply select the desired images and turn them into stickers directly from the desktop app.

Importantly, the Sticker Maker feature is currently being tested with a select group of users and will be available in the stable version along with other new features, such as WhatsApp’s built-in screen sharing tool.

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