4 Key Security Threats of Smartphone Technology

4 Key Security Threats of Smartphone Technology

By germana

In this 21st century, human beings are highly dependent on technology and innovations. And one such advancement that has become an integral part of our life is a smartphone. Millions of smartphones are sold every year. The current generation spends most of the routine time on these handsets. But probably, very few of us realize the serious security threats hidden behind this technology.�

As per a recent study reported by the IT web, the number of malware programs detected every day has increased over 230,000, and most of these are designed to attack mobile devices. Below we have listed a few such scary threats associated with smartphones; the list includes:


  • Data leakage:


Mobile apps are better known as a potential cause behind unintentional data leakage. There are many �riskware� apps that, right after installation, ask users for some sweeping permissions; but they don�t follow any security protocol. Such apps can be easily found on official app stores and they keep on sending important personal and corporate data to various remote servers. It can be further mined by cybercriminals or advertisers. Experts always advise users to give permissions to apps only when it is necessary or avoid any such activities on their handsets.


  • Unsecured Wi-Fi:


People often get excited when they find an open Wi-Fi network around. They connect their device to such networks without even thinking about security issues. Some recent studies reveal that conversations and activities on such unsecured Wi-Fi networks can be easily tracked by hackers. They may know about your social media credentials, PayPal logins, or other personal details as well. In order to ensure safety, avoid using unsecured Wi-Fi connections for confidential transactions.�


  • Network Spoofing:


Network Spoofing has become a big threat to the high traffic public locations such as airports, libraries and coffee shops these days. In this case, hackers set some fake access points that appear more like Wi-Fi networks to encourage users to form a connection. They may ask users to login with their personal accounts to use free services and those credentials can be tracked by the hackers perform major identity or financial attacks.�


  • Phishing Attacks:


Experts say that mobile users are highly vulnerable to phishing attacks as they are more likely to check received emails immediately without thinking about whether it is legitimate or not. On the other side, desktop users check their emails probably once or twice a day, and they may take safer steps with ease. On the tiny screens, it is usually difficult to identify phishing emails on mobiles. It is advised not to open emails or attachments when you are not sure about the sending party. Any link attached to the email must be first checked on the separate web portal by entering the URL manually.�

In order to stay safe from all such issues, it is first important to stay aware of the threats to technology and then use advanced tactics to stay safe.��

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