Elon Musk Restores Blue Check Mark for High-Profile accounts: But some celebrities opt out

Elon Musk Restores Blue Check Mark for High-Profile accounts: But some celebrities opt out

By auroraoddi

Over the weekend, Twitter restored the blue check mark to users with massive followings. Shortly after purging the site’s well-known blue verification badges from accounts that don’t subscribe to Twitter Blue, Elon Musk’s $8-per-month subscription service. This has caused some celebrities, journalists, and at least one major university to assert that they didn’t sign up for Twitter’s paid service.

Celebrities are surprised by their Twitter’s verified

Maggie Haberman, a reporter for The New York Times, actor and comedian Ben Schwartz, actor Elijah Wood, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, and other Twitter users were surprised and confused when they discovered that their blue verification check marks had been restored on the platform without their knowledge.

Haberman disclosed that she had subscribed to Twitter Blue but did not sign up for the verification service. While Schwartz and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology both claimed they did not subscribe to anything. Popular user Dril received a blue check mark after tweeting against the verification service but later had it removed. The sudden restoration of these check marks has left many users feeling puzzled and annoyed.

Not just present-day famous figures, but also accounts of deceased individuals such as Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez (who passed away in 2013), celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain (who passed away in 2018), and musician Chester Bennington (who passed away in 2017) have had their verification status reinstated on Twitter. These accounts now display the blue check mark and a message indicating their subscription to Twitter Blue.

Following economist and columnist for The New York Times, Paul Krugman’s statement that he was not responsible for his blue check mark’s reappearance. Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, tweeted an image of a weeping infant directed at him. Musk has claimed that he is covering the cost of verification status for several well-known figures and celebrities, such as LeBron James, Stephen King, and William Shatner.

All you need to know about the restore of the blue check mark

There is speculation on the required number of followers an account must have to be eligible for re-verification with a blue check mark on Twitter. While some believe that accounts with over 1 million followers are being prioritized, several accounts with less than a million followers have also received the blue check mark.

Elon Musk appears to be using a tactic to boost subscriptions to Twitter Blue by removing the “legacy” blue check marks from most previously verified accounts unless the users subscribe to the paid service. Twitter Blue subscribers pay $8 per month and receive additional benefits, such as the option to use two-factor authentication features.

Since taking over the social media platform, Musk has threatened to disrupt Twitter’s previous practice of only verifying well-known accounts, which he has called a “lords & peasants system”. However, this shift to paid verification is also motivated by revenue. Following Musk’s acquisition of Twitter for $44 billion, he allegedly cautioned staff that the social media platform could face bankruptcy without “significant subscription revenue”. Especially as advertising revenue decreased in the months after his takeover.

As several notable individuals remain unverified on Twitter and with verification status now available for purchase, there are concerns about the possibility of impersonation on the platform. When Elon Musk initially began offering blue check marks to Twitter Blue subscribers last year, some users created fraudulent accounts pretending to be LeBron James, Donald Trump, and pharmaceutical firm Eli Lilly.


The recent restoration of blue check marks on Twitter has left many users confused and frustrated, with some claiming they were re-verified without their knowledge or subscription to Twitter Blue. Elon Musk’s decision to make verification available for purchase has raised concerns about impersonation on the platform.

While the required number of followers for re-verification remains uncertain, Musk’s push for paid verification is driven by revenue concerns following his acquisition of Twitter. As Twitter evolves, it remains to be seen how these changes will impact the social media landscape and the way individuals and organizations use the platform.

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