How to Block Unwanted Emails on Your Cell Phone

How to Block Unwanted Emails on Your Cell Phone

By Luca Fanicchia

There’s nothing to say about it, our cell phones have become integral to our lives. They serve as communication hubs, workstations, and entertainment centers. However, with the convenience of email on our mobile devices comes the annoyance of unwanted emails, often cluttering our inboxes. Fortunately, there are ways to combat this issue and regain control of your email flow. In this guide, we will explore how to effectively block unwanted emails on your cell phone.

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Use Your Email App’s Built-In Features

Most email apps, whether you’re using Gmail, Apple Mail, Outlook, or others, provide built-in tools to help you manage unwanted emails. Here’s how to use them:

  • Flag as Spam: When you receive an unwanted email, mark it as spam. This helps your email app’s spam filter learn and filter similar emails in the future. Over time, your email app will become more accurate in identifying and filtering spam.
  • Create Filters: Set up filters or rules to automatically move emails from specific senders or with certain keywords to the spam folder or a separate folder. For example, if you consistently receive emails from a particular sender that you consider spammy, create a filter to direct these emails away from your main inbox.
  • Unsubscribe: Use the built-in unsubscribe option if available to stop receiving newsletters or promotional emails from specific sources. This can be a quick way to reduce the influx of unwanted content.

Third-Party Spam Blocking Apps

For an extra layer of protection, consider using third-party apps designed specifically to block spam and unwanted emails. Some popular options include:

  • Spam call and email blockers: Apps like Nomorobo, Truecaller, and Hiya offer spam call and email blocking features to keep unwanted messages at bay. These apps often use crowdsourced data to identify and block known spam numbers and email addresses.
  • Email clients with advanced filters: Apps like Edison Mail and Spike come with advanced filtering options, allowing you to organize your inbox more effectively and block unwanted emails. They offer features such as customizable swipe actions and snooze settings.

Blacklist and Whitelist Contacts

Your phone’s built-in contacts app can be a handy tool to block or allow specific senders. Here’s how to do it:

  • Blacklist: Add unwanted email addresses to your blocklist or spam list. Emails from these addresses will be automatically moved to the spam folder or deleted. This is a proactive way to ensure you never see emails from these sources again.
  • Whitelist: On the flip side, add important contacts to your whitelist or trusted list to ensure their emails are always delivered to your inbox. This ensures you never miss important messages from key contacts.

Regularly Review Your Spam Folder

It’s essential to periodically check your spam folder for false positives, as legitimate emails may sometimes get caught by mistake. If you find an important email in your spam folder, mark it as “Not Spam” or move it to your inbox to train your email filter. This ongoing maintenance helps your email app improve its filtering accuracy over time.

Secure Your Email Address

Prevent future unwanted emails by being cautious about sharing your email address online. Use disposable email addresses for sign-ups on websites or services that might send you promotional content. Additionally, avoid posting your primary email publicly on websites and forums where spammers may harvest addresses.

Update Your Email Preferences

For newsletters and promotional emails that you subscribed to but no longer want, use the “unsubscribe” link typically found at the bottom of these emails. This will remove you from their mailing lists, reducing the volume of unwanted emails you receive.

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Spam Blocker Apps

When it comes to effectively blocking spam and unwanted emails on your cell phone, several reliable third-party apps can significantly enhance your spam-fighting arsenal. Here’s a list of some of the best spam blocker apps available:


Platform: iOS, Android
Key Features: Nomorobo is renowned for its ability to block not only spam emails but also spam calls. It uses a large database of known spam numbers and emails to identify and block unwanted communications automatically. The app also allows you to report new spam numbers and emails, contributing to its ever-expanding database.


Platform: iOS, Android
Key Features: Truecaller is a popular app that not only identifies and blocks spam calls but also includes a spam filter for text messages and emails. It offers a user-friendly interface and a large community of users who contribute to its spam database. Truecaller’s “Smart SMS” feature helps categorize your messages, making it easier to identify spam.


Platform: iOS, Android
Key Features: Hiya is another excellent spam blocker app that focuses on both calls and text messages. It provides real-time spam detection and caller ID features, allowing you to avoid unwanted communications. Hiya’s community-driven database ensures accurate and up-to-date spam blocking.

Edison Mail

Platform: iOS, Android
Key Features: Edison Mail is a feature-rich email client with advanced spam filtering capabilities. It uses artificial intelligence to categorize emails and filter out spam. The app also offers a “Block Sender” feature, allowing you to easily block specific email addresses or domains.


Platform: iOS, Android
Key Features: Spike is a modern email client that combines email with messaging features. It includes advanced email filtering options, allowing you to prioritize important emails and automatically move spam to a separate folder. Spike’s conversational approach to email helps reduce clutter and streamline your inbox.

These apps can be a valuable addition to your cell phone’s built-in spam-blocking features, enhancing your ability to filter out unwanted emails and communications effectively. Depending on your specific needs and preferences, you can choose one or more of these apps to help keep your inbox clean and free from spam.

Remember to regularly update these apps to ensure they have the latest spam definitions and features, as the landscape of spam and unwanted emails is continually evolving.

Incorporating one or more of these spam blocker apps into your cell phone’s email management strategy can greatly enhance your ability to keep your inbox organized and free from unwanted distractions.

The Risk of Spam Mail as Malware

While spam emails are often merely a nuisance, it’s crucial to recognize that some of them can carry a much more sinister payload: malware. Malware, short for malicious software, encompasses a range of threats, including viruses, ransomware, spyware, and phishing attacks. Here’s why you need to exercise caution when handling spam:

  • Malicious Attachments and Links: One common tactic employed by cybercriminals in spam emails is the inclusion of attachments or links that, when opened or clicked, can unleash malware onto your device. These attachments might be disguised as innocuous files, such as PDFs or Word documents, while the links can lead to fake websites designed to steal your personal information or infect your device.
  • Phishing Attempts: Some spam emails are elaborate phishing attempts. They impersonate trusted organizations or individuals to deceive recipients into revealing sensitive information, like login credentials or credit card details. Falling victim to a phishing scam can have serious consequences for your online security and privacy.
  • Ransomware: Certain types of spam emails may contain ransomware, a malicious program that encrypts your files and demands a ransom for the decryption key. Paying the ransom is discouraged, as it does not guarantee the recovery of your files and may encourage further criminal activities.

Essential Precautions

  • Never Open Suspicious Attachments: Avoid opening email attachments or downloading files from unknown or unexpected sources. Even seemingly harmless file types like PDFs and Word documents can carry malware.
  • Don’t Click on Unverified Links: Refrain from clicking on links in emails unless you can verify their legitimacy. Hover over the link to see the URL before clicking, and avoid clicking on URLs that appear suspicious or misspelled.
  • Be Wary of Unsolicited Requests: Be cautious when emails ask for personal information or financial details. Legitimate organizations typically do not request sensitive information via email.
  • Use Updated Antivirus Software: Ensure your cell phone has up-to-date antivirus software installed. These programs can help detect and remove malware from your device.
  • Report Suspicious Emails: Most email apps have a feature to report spam or phishing emails. Reporting such emails helps improve the filtering algorithms and can protect others from falling victim to similar threats.
  • Regularly Back Up Your Data: Backup your important data regularly to an external source or cloud storage. In case of a ransomware attack, you can restore your files without paying the ransom.

Recognize the potential threat of malware, phishing attempts, and other malicious activities associated with spam. By following the precautions outlined above, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to these cyber threats and maintain the security of your cell phone and personal information.

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Blocking unwanted emails on your cell phone can significantly improve your email experience and reduce distractions. By leveraging your email app’s built-in features, using third-party spam blocking apps, managing your contacts, and staying vigilant, you can regain control of your inbox and ensure that it remains a productive and clutter-free space for communication.

Remember that spam emails can be persistent, so it may take some time and effort to fine-tune your email blocking strategies. However, with patience and the tips outlined in this guide, you can effectively filter out unwanted emails on your cell phone and enjoy a more organized digital life. Implement these strategies, and you’ll find your email experience on your cell phone becomes much more streamlined and enjoyable.

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