The Best Video Game Documentaries

The Best Video Game Documentaries

By julianapardogonzalez

Every month, as usual, we have lots of articles about movie releases, series, and documentaries in the different streaming platforms. And the same happens with the launching of new video games or free deliveries with the memberships of different video game platforms.  

That is why, today we are going to make a mix of these topics. But how? Well, today we will expose you some of the best documentaries about video games and the different streaming platforms where you can watch them. 

The Video games have a long and storied history, and even the most casual gamers will find some of these industry tales compelling. So, please take a sit, give your thumbs a rest and check out these games-related movies. And discover the intriguing story behind your favorite games and consoles. 

If you are a loyal fan of video games, it is very possible that you have extremely specific questions about certain games or companies dedicated to this industry. Well, do not worry, here are answered in some of the best and most interesting video game documentaries that you can watch right now. 

  • Atari: Game Over 

It is available to buy or rent on YouTube. The video game market crashed in the early ’80s. There were many causes, but all indications for Atari’s downfall are that the culprit was point to E.T., a historic commercial flop. It is the story of Atari’s rise and fall, and it also investigates the tale that Atari buried unsold copies of E.T. in the New Mexico desert. 

  • Console Wars 

Based on Blake J. Harris’ insightful 2014 book, Console Wars introduces you to a host of colorful figures from the video game industry of yesteryear. This feature-length documentary dives into the hair-raising face-off of the early ’90s when Sega challenged Nintendo’s grip on the gaming market. They are stirring memories for anyone who was there, or the makings of an extraordinary tale for anyone who was not.  

Right now, the only way to watch it is with a Paramount Plus subscription, which start at $5 a month. 

  • Indie Game: The Movie 

This documentary is available to rent or buy on Amazon Prime Video. This documentary shows the grit, dedication and perseverance required of indie devs. Since these games are made with usually at less than a couple of handfuls of people. Sometimes, even they are made by just one person. 

  • High Score 

The way to go if you are looking to watch the video gaming history more generally, the answer is the six-part Netflix documentary High Score. In each episode you will discover a specific element of the industry, like Atari’s downfall, the rise of Nintendo and Street Fighter 2’s influence on esports. It gives you a satisfying overall look at how gaming has developed since the ’70s. 

The chapter on Sega’s challenge has some crossover with Console Wars, providing a deeper perspective on the story if you watch both. 

  • From Bedrooms to Billions: The PlayStation Revolution 

It is available on streaming, Blu-ray, and DVD. This documentary focuses on Sony’s 1994 entry to the video game market with its little gray PlayStation. Big names from the brand’s 25-year history — like current PlayStation boss Jim Ryan, Metal Gear Solid mastermind Hideo Kojima, lead PS5 architect Mark Cerny and Resident Evil co-creator Shinji Mikami — weigh in what a big deal 3D gaming was.  

Even, when the segments on PS2, PS3 and PS4 are much shorter, help to offer a nice overview as the PS5 establishes itself. On the other hand, the marketing execs reveal how they make Sony’s console cool. 

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